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National Audubon Society

National Audubon Society
Article code 100628
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The most comprehensive field guide available to the flora and fauna of California--a portable, essential companion for visitors and residents alike--from the go-to reference source for over 18 million nature lovers. By Peter Alden and Fred Heath. Read more
National Audubon Society
National Audubon Society
Article code 103709
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Full-color, National Geographic-quality photographs provide unsurpassed clarity and ensure virtually fool-proof identification of every specimen. By John L. Behler; F. Wayne King. Read more
National Audubon Society
National Audubon Society
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From the creators of the world's most trusted field guides—a go-to source for millions of nature lovers—comes a completely new and unparalleled reference work: the most comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date guide to the trees of North America. Read more
National Audubon Society
Trees of North America
National Audubon Society
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The most comprehensive and authoritative guide to the wildflowers of North America, updated for the first time in decades to reflect the impact of climate change and the advancements in DNA studies that have radically altered the classification process. Read more
National Audubon Society
Wildflowers of North America