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From Leah Thomas, the activist who coined the term comes a primer on intersectional environmentalism for the next generation of activists looking to create meaningful, inclusive, and sustainable change. Read more
Article code 259421
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A passionate environmentalist who has devoted his life to documenting the awesome power of nature, Robert Bateman is deeply worried about the state of our planet and the fate of our natural heritage. Read more
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In this collection of essays, Murray Bookchin's vision for an ecological society remains central as he addresses questions of urbanism and city planning, technology, self-management, energy, utopianism, and more. Read more
Article code 062206
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Turning Homeward: Restoring Hope and Nature in the Urban Wild by Adrienne Ross Scanlan is the journey of a newcomer to the Pacific Northwest who learns that home isn’t simply where you live, but where you create belonging. Read more
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Undrowned is a book-length meditation by Alexis Pauline Gumbs for social movements and our whole species based on the subversive and transformative guidance of marine mammals. Read more
Article code 264997
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In The Urban Bestiary, acclaimed nature writer Lyanda Lynn Haupt journeys into the heart of the everyday wild, where coyotes, raccoons, chickens, hawks, and humans live in closer proximity than ever before. Read more
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A graphic novel by Jeffrey Wilson and Bambi Kramer featuring uplifting stories of combatting—and beating—calls for their eviction in Detroit, showing how everyday people are fighting to stay in their homes, organizing with their communities, and winning. Read more
Article code 221470
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By practicing careful stewardship with the biological riches in our cities and towns, John Marzluff explains, we can foster a new relationship between humans and other living creatures—one that honors and enhances our mutual destiny. Read more
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Cities across the globe are growing fast and many simply unsustainable, with polluted air, excessive energy consumption, and an absence of nature. But big cities don’t have to mean a dystopian future. They can be turned around to be powerhouses of well-be Read more
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Wild Life follows Rae Wynn-Grant on her adventures and explorations in some of the world’s most remote locales., carving a niche as one of very few Black female scientists, the challenges she had to overcome, and the many lessons she learned along the way Read more
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In A Wild Promise, acclaimed artist Allen Crawford beautifully illustrates over eighty animals that embody the spirit, legacy, and commitment of the Endangered Species Act. Read more